Announcement: Good Thinking London are providing London schools with FREE access to our Feeling Good for Schools programme

We are so excited to announce that, thanks to our partnership with Good Thinking London, schools across London can now get free access to our Feeling Good for Schools programme, the licence for which would ordinarily cost a school £1 per pupil.


What is Feeling Good for Schools?


Feeling Good for Schools is a comprehensive programme that consists of :

  • Teacher training and support
  • 2 x 6 week programmes for the whole class which include daily listening and teacher-led sessions (for which we supply all the necessary materials such as lesson plans), class session Powerpoints (narrated option available), downloadable booklets for pupils to work through in lessons, and daily audios
  • Free access to the Feeling Good Teens app for pupils to listen at home
  • Free access to the Feeling Good adult app for teachers, parents, and carers.


Who are Good Thinking London?


Good Thinking London are an online platform committed to providing digital mental wellbeing tools across London, to everyone from young people, parents, and carers, to employers and faith/belief communities. They provide support for a wide range of mental wellbeing difficulties, including anxiety, stress, and sleep.

They have joined up with us to ensure teachers and pupils across London get the opportunity to learn about and develop their wellbeing through our positive mental training programme.


Why should schools sign up?


The programme has been externally validated and shown to improve coping skills in pupils, (calm, focus, confidence). What’s more, external evaluation has shown that those pupils with the lowest 20% resilience and wellbeing scores at the start of the programme have significant improvement in resilience and wellbeing compared to those with the top 80% of scores, indicating that the programme is helping those who need it the most. By providing a whole class approach, it is non-stigmatising and teaches necessary and valuable mental health and wellbeing skills to everyone, not just those in immediate need.


Why are mental wellbeing programmes needed in schools?


The mental health charity Mind recently conducted some research into the approach to mental health at secondary schools in England. Their research found that:


“The overwhelming message from the young people we spoke to is that academic achievement is being prioritised at the expense of wellbeing. The pressure to succeed and perform well in exams is negatively impacting young people’s mental health, which in turn impacts their ability to participate in school.”

[Mind Charity, ‘Not Making the Grade’]


Mind’s recommendations included providing mental health support that meets young people’s needs, something that resonates strongly with us. The Feeling Good for Schools programme aims to provide young people with support and educational tools which can help them right now and in the future. The preventative elements of our programme are just as valuable as the fact that our audio tracks can help with stress and depression management.



So if you are a London school looking to receive our programme for free through Good Thinking, or are interested in hearing more about us and our schools initiative, please get in touch with us at!